HomeTeamJorge Ariel Galván Pastrana

Chemical Engineer

Jorge is a Chemical Engineer graduated from Universidad Veracruzana and has been active in the IP field since 2007, both in the Public and Private Sectors. He has served as Examiner and Departmental Coordinator of the Chemical Area in the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property until 2013, as well as IP Agent in several IP Firms.

He has extensive experience and knowledge in Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals, Mechanics, Electricity, and most of the Biotechnological and Electronics fields. The technical knowledge he possesses allows him to skillfully handle issues related to Patents, Utility Models and Industrial Designs.

Jorge is a specialist in patent prosecution, responses to Office Actions issued during Substantive Examination, searches in national and international databases, patentability analysis, Freedom to Operate, Patent Clearance, among others, in synergy with our Legal Department, as well as in patent drafting, translation and technical support in Patent Litigation Proceedings.

Languages: English and Spanish.

Jorge Ariel Galván Pastrana

Jorge Ariel Galván Pastrana

Specialist in patent prosecution

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